Long-distance, international communication with the whole world
To be constantly in touch with partners and suppliers to make the best offer at the best price in the market, always and everywhere to keep in touch with customers to provide them with high service, to be aware of all events in the world, because all this is related to your business, the success of which presupposes well-established communication with the whole world.
Kyrgyztelecom will gladly become your partner and provide you with stable qualitative long-distance and international communication.
Use traditional telephony of high quality for important business negotiations or just because you appreciate quality and do not accept noise, interference and breaks in telephone conversations.
You can without prior order, at any convenient time to contact by phone with a subscriber in Kyrgyzstan and beyond its borders. You can use long-distance and international telephone communication services by means of automatic dialing (through the digit "0") or with the help of an operator (customized telephone communication).
The order of using automatic long-distance, international communication:
For a long distance call:
pick up the handset, dial the digit "0", dial the city code and the number of the called party.
For an international call:
Remove the handset, dial the digits "00", dial the country code, city code and the number of the called party.
If the connection is not established within 40 seconds, or if there is an extraneous tone in the handset while dialing, hang up the handset and redial.
Bar or allow long distance and international calls
You can close long distance and international calls from your phone, both automatic and customized, by writing an application in the Service Center of the company.
The ban is for each number 100% of the subscription fee for the use of the main telephone, payment is one-time.
Authorization is free of charge, at the request of the subscriber.
When granting the right to use the phone, renegotiating the contract or switching the phone, access to automatic and customizable long-distance, international communication is free of charge, at the request of the subscriber.
On holidays, call and congratulate your partners, friends and relatives abroad, using long-distance and international calls from Kyrgyztelecom!
Region | Tariff(som) |
6-00 |
Payment per each full or partial minute of conversation, som-tyiyn | ||||||
№ст | №п | Service Name | For Organizations | For Population | ||
Daytime all days of the week from 8:00 to 21:00. |
Nighttime working days from 21:00 to 8:00 |
Daytime all days of the week с 8:00 ч. до 21:00 ч. |
Nighttime working days from 21:00 to 8:00 |
Tariffs for international and long-distance telephone services | ||||||
Interurban telephone conversations within the Kyrgyz Republic | ||||||
International telephone conversations | ||||||
2 | 1 | Ukraine | 19,74 | 12,28 | 12,28 | 11,01 |
2 | 2 | Russia | 19,74 | 11,40 | 10,52 | 10,52 |
2 | 3 | Between regions | 6,14 | 3,51 | 1,32 | 1,32 |
2 | 4 | Within the area | 4,39 | 2,19 | 0 | 0 |
2 | 5 | Belarus | 27,02 | 26,01 | 26,01 | 22,98 |
2 | 6 | Moldova | 21,93 | 19,30 | 19,30 | 18,42 |
2 | 7 | Kazakhstan | 14,91 | 7,89 | 7,02 | 7,02 |
2 | 8 | Tajikistan | 14,47 | 10,53 | 10,53 | 9,21 |
2 | 9 | Turkmenistan | 14,50 | 9,65 | 9,65 | 8,54 |
2 | 10 | Uzbekistan | 14,47 | 8,33 | 7,02 | 5,25 |
2 | 11 | Armenia | 18,42 | 15,79 | 15,79 | 14,47 |
2 | 12 | Azerbaijan | 19,44 | 17,54 | 17,54 | 17,00 |
2 | 13 | Georgia | 19,64 | 19,64 | 19,64 | 19,64 |
2 | 14 | Latvia | 21,93 | 19,30 | 21,93 | 19,30 |
2 | 15 | Estonia | 28,07 | 26,32 | 28,07 | 26,32 |
2 | 16 | Lithuania | 28,95 | 27,19 | 28,07 | 27,19 |
2 | 17 | European countries | 19,74 | 15,79 | 19,30 | 14,04 |
2 | 18 | Bulgaria | 27,44 | 27,44 | 27,44 | 27,44 |
2 | 19 | Finland | 26,79 | 26,79 | 26,79 | 26,79 |
2 | 20 | China | 14,91 | 10,09 | 12,28 | 8,77 |
2 | 21 | Canada, USA | 14,91 | 10,09 | 11,40 | 7,02 |
2 | 22 | Turkey | 17,54 | 13,16 | 14,04 | 12,28 |
2 | 23 | Iran, India, Pakistan | 21,05 | 15,79 | 17,11 | 14,04 |
2 | 24 | Japan, South Korea | 18,42 | 14,91 | 15,79 | 12,28 |
2 | 25 | Australia | 21,05 | 17,54 | 16,67 | 14,04 |
2 | 26 | Hong Kong | 18,42 | 14,91 | 14,91 | 12,28 |
2 | 27 | Israel | 19,30 | 15,79 | 14,91 | 12,28 |
2 | 28 | United Arab Emirates | 21,05 | 15,79 | 16,67 | 14,91 |
Страна | Звонки на фиксированные сети | Звонки на
мобильные сети
4-00 | * |
2-00 | * |
4-00 | * |
2-00 | * |
Казахстан (Pathword, Beeline) (код 7 700, 707)
* | 5-00 |
4-00 | 4-00 |
6-00 | * |
3-00 | 4-00 |
5-00 | 5-00 |
2-50 | 2-50 |
2-50 | 2-50 |
9-00 | 9-00 |
1. Тарифный план предоставляется для физических лиц, кроме г.Бишкек и Чуйской обл. и указан с учетом налогов
2. Тарификация - поминутная
3. Абонентская плата включает в себя ежемесячную плату за пользование основным телефоном и доступ к качественной международной телефонии (через код "00") по выгодным тарифам
4. Безлимитные звонки по всему КР, кроме звонков на операторов мобильной связи КР, которые тарифицируются отдельно согласно установленным тарифам
*Международные разговоры по направлениям, не включенным в тарифный план "Универсальный", тарифицируются согласно действующему прайсу ОАО "Кыргызтелеком"
Страна | Звонки на фиксированные сети | Звонки на
мобильные сети
4-00 | * |
2-00 | * |
4-00 | * |
2-00 | * |
Казахстан (Pathword, Beeline) (код 7 700, 707)
* | 5-00 |
4-00 | 4-00 |
6-00 | * |
5-00 | 4-00 |
5-00 | 5-00 |
2-50 | 2-50 |
2-50 | 2-50 |
9-00 | 9-00 |
1. Тариф указан с учетом налогов, предусмотренных законодательством КР
2. В лимит не входят разговоры на сети других операторов связи КР .
3. Оплата за превышение лимита составляет 7 тыйын за 1 минуту
4. Тарифный план предоставляется только для физических лиц Баткенской, Таласской, Иссык-Кульской, Ошской, Джалал-Абадской и Нарынской областей
Абонентская плата включает в себя:
— ежемесячную плату за пользование основным телефоном
— 400 минут лимита местных, внутриобластных и межобластных разговоров по всему Кыргызстану
Бесплатная справочная служба по тел.:18 12 только для абонентов "Кыргызтелеком"
1. Тариф указан с учетом налогов, предусмотренных законодательством КР.
2. В безлимитные внутриобластные и межобластные исходящие соединения не входят разговоры на операторов мобильной связи КР тарифицируются отдельно согласно установленным тарифам.
3. Тарифный план предоставляется только для физических лиц Баткенской, Иссык-Кульской, Ошской, Джалал-Абадской областей.
Абонентская плата включает в себя:
— ежемесячную плату за пользование основным телефоном;
— безлимитные междугородные разговоры по всему Кыргызстану, а так же на альтернативных операторов фиксированной связи.
Бесплатная справочная служба по тел.:18 12 только для абонентов "Кыргызтелеком"
Country | Tariff for access to the common network of international operators (som/min) | Tariff for access to mobile networks of international operators (som/min) |
Росссия | 4-00 | 4-00 |
Россия, Москва (фиксированная сеть) | 2-50 | - |
Казахстан | 5-00 | 6-00 |
Узбекистан | 5-00 | 8-00 |
Таджикистан | 9-20 | 10-00 |
Туркменистан | 8-55 | 9-70 |
Молдова | 20-00 | 20-80 |
Украина | 9-12 | 11-40 |
Беларусь | 24-51 | 25-65 |
Грузия | 20-57 | 20-57 |
Азербайджан | 16-82 | 18-50 |
Литва | 8-00 | 12-00 |
Эстония | 12-00 | 24-00 |
Латвия | 16-00 | 19-40 |
Страны Европы | 4-00 | 11-00 |
Болгария | 7-43 | 27-86 |
Финляндия | 30-54 | 30-54 |
Канада, США, Китай | 4-00 | 4-00 |
Турция | 5-00 | 11-00 |
Иран, Индия, Пакистан | 8-00 | 9-00 |
Япония, Южная Корея, Гонконг, Израиль | 4-50 | 8-00 |
Австралия | 4-50 | 11-00 |
О.А.Э., Саудовская Аравия | 12-00 | 12-00 |
Другие страны | * | * |
Армения | 12-60 | 16-01 |
Telephone codes of regions, cities and settlements of the Kyrgyz Republic you can find out on the site: www.109.kt.kg.
Telephone codes of cities and countries of the World you can find out on the specialized site: www.citycode.ru.
International and intellectual services
New international code 00 883 140 (access to the Global World Wide Web)
From March 6, 2012, Kyrgyztelecom introduced a new international code 00 883 140 - access to the Global World Education Network, designed to organize remote and distance learning through access to the educational network and content (lectures, teaching materials, discussions, etc.) through calls to this number.
Global World Education Network is a network of international education and cooperation to form a "social cloud" of people from different countries interested in communicating on educational topics.
The service is available for subscribers of all regional branches and Bishkek GTS.
Tariffication: 2 soms for each full and incomplete minute of conversation, starting from the 11th second of connection establishment.
The price is specified without taxes stipulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
International intellectual service "Tele-voting" (VOT)
Provides an opportunity to conduct lotteries, contests, telethons, surveys of respondents and other interactive events by registering in real-time mode the number of connections made to specially allocated numbers of 00-803-xx-xx-xx format.
Home Country Direct Call (HCD) service
Allows the user located in the territory of a foreign country, using a telephone card of the operator of his country and a special toll-free access number, to use international communication services with his country.
Access to this service is open both for subscribers of the telephone network of OJSC "Kyrgyztelecom" and for users of intelligent and card payphones having the logo of OJSC "Kyrgyztelecom".
Access numbers to the service "Direct call of your country" when calling from the territory of Kyrgyzstan to the network of telecommunications operators of the Russian Federation ("Rostelecom" and "MTT"):
Access numbers to the service "Direct call of your country" when calling from the territory of Russia to the network of Kyrgyztelecom OJSC:
International Free Calling Service (IFS/UIFN)
IFS (International FreePhone Service) provides unlimited opportunities for business development of any company, for conducting marketing and advertising campaigns abroad, allows to organize automated inquiry services for users abroad, audio-conferences with foreign representative offices of companies, to provide technical and service support to the company's clients located abroad.
This service is offered to corporate clients, agents and international operators of communication networks.
The International FreePhone Service (hereinafter referred to as "IFS") allows the Subscriber (customer) of the IFS service located in one country to receive one or more special access numbers in foreign countries. As a result, users in those countries are able to make free calls to the IFS number allocated to the Service Subscriber.
All charges for the service and costs associated with call establishment shall be borne by the IFS Service Customer. The Customer of the IFS service may also be allocated a single number for several countries (UIFN - Universal International FreePhone Number), provided that UIFN is available in the required countries.
Advantages of the service for the subscriber:
List of subscribers of the "International Free Call" service: Download
For additional information on the services of the Intelligent Communication Network please call: 0 800 500 50 50
Also on the phones of the Unified Reference Service: 18 12
The call is free of charge, round the clock.